Why This Site

As you read over the biographical sketch in Lincoln Background, provided for Charles Edward Lincoln, III you will be struck by how privileged his life up to a certain point. 

Clearly highly intelligent, he excelled intellectually at top flight universities and immediately engaged in careers which provided opportunities for further stimulation.  

Yet today Charles is cut off from his family, at odds with clients who trusted and supported him because they trusted him.  Charles was paid far beyond what they had agreed to pay or endure.  

This site is here to help those who encounter Charles understand him and weight their potential for loss if they contract with him.  We use the word, 'contract' loosely here.  Although Charles provided agreements on occasion he never honored them.

This Site is also here so Charles, himself, can gain perspective on the choices he has made and choose differently.  It is never too late to change, Christ will forgive and it is still possible for Charles to make restitution to those he has harmed. 

God calls us to heal the divisions caused when we harm others and it is our hope and prayer this site becomes a sign to Charles, allowing him to examine his conscience and do right.