Monday, August 4, 2014

TEXT - June 20, 2014 - Discovering the Stolen Books and other items Communications between Santomauro and Mastoris

On or about June 20th, Candace Kennedy, the agent who Lincoln asked to go to the shore house in anticipation of her renting it for him, sent photos of the books found at the Mastoris shore house to Michael Santomauro, who she had talked to previously.  

Santomauro was able to identify his books and bags.  These, he said, were purchased entirely through Amazon and he retains the purchase information and can prove ownership beyond doubt for each item.  

Santomauro had been told by his movers Lincoln had represented himself as their client and removed multiple books from their hands, as they packed.  

Books found in the shore house in New Jersey, transported there for Charles Lincoln from the Santomauro apartment in New York.

One of several man bags stolen from the Santomauro apartment in New York City

More books, second photo

More books, third photo

More books forth photo

More books, fifth photo